Belvedere Nursery is sustained and supported by UK nursery experts and consultants whom we use their skills and expertise to support our staff who work directly with children and parents. They ensure the nursery children receive the best possible care to help them reach their full potential as well as making sure staff get the appropriate training and provide them with a positive impact. Our UK consultants offer a wide range of training and support services based on our core values and building on that for success.

When it comes to providing guidance and support, we can count on our consultants expertise and their hard work to deliver along our highly qualified british teachers.

They have a wealth of Early Years knowledge, combined with strong business acumen and real enthusiasm. Working together, we will be able to develop an enviable reputation for success, meeting deadlines, comprehensive reports and improving outcomes for children.

They will deal with the following:

1. Providing support and advice during nursery start up.

2. Recruitment of highly qualified teachers and provide the required training.

3. Implementing of EYFS (Early Year Foundation Stage) and provide professional guidance and support.

4. Mentoring quality improvement by enhancing the quality of care and increasing professional knowledge.

5. Running mock inspection visits to familiarise the team with the inspection process.

Opening Hours

Opening Hours

Monday – Thursday
7:30 AM – 3:00 PM
Friday 7:30 AM- 12:00 PM
Sat & Sun : Closed
Public Holidays: as advertised